True Pleasure in True Religion

"A holy heavenly life spent in the service of God, and in communion with Him, is, without doubt, the most pleasant and comfortable life any man can live in this world." - Matthew Henry

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Location: California, United States

Hello to the blogging world. I hope that this page can turn into a forum that facilitates spiritual growth. By the Grace of God, I trust that we can participate in reasonable disputations and learn from our misunderstandings of eachother and varied viewpoints. I hope that this blog will be a safe-haven for the pursuit of truth in a world that often denies the existence of certitude.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"The Da Vinci Code" - Will you See/Read it?

So, the current dilemma that I am facing is whether or not I will see "The Da Vinci Code" when it hits theaters some time next month. I want to see it because I have not had the time - or passion - to read the book. And I am commonly faced with questions regarding the "historical facts" that are contained in the story.

But, my dilemma goes something like this:

- I believe that it is intellectually dishonest to speak against something unless one has studied the subject of debate.
- I have no desire to support Mr. Brown's story.

While I have read commentaries and reviews that present the issues, I have not read the book itself. Even still, while I am not 100% sure if I will see the movie or not, I do know that I - in no way - support the book or the movie - maybe I just answered my dilemma with that assertion.

I hope that I and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who have not seen or read "The Da Vinci Code" will be very careful about our refutations. Let us make sure that we are well informed (with the information to which we have been exposed) and wise with our words.

And for our brothers and sisters that have read the book or plan on seeing the movie, make sure that you are "ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence" (1 Peter 3:15).


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